Jamaica, patent your sprint!


Yokefellows Athletics Kendal youth


A country can be considered like a team when united; a successful country knows how to rally most of its citizens to pull in the same direction just like a football or basketball team. They foresee things in the presence with an eye for future progress. It is said countries that have the highest number of patients have a good grasp on their future and its citizens wealth. You can click here and look at the countries investing in growth through patents: https://www.statista.com/statistics/257152/ranking-of-the-20-countries-with-the-most-patent-grants

Patents are also, an ideal indicator on the direction a country is heading in mainly because, it sees itself rising above its current global status. It’s an investment with a yield of 3, 10, 25, 50 or even 100 years with the understanding at the end of the journey of either training, building or research its future will be brighter. These patents would be better off for its people, families, community, and global standing attracting foreign money and increasing the standard of living for its citizens.


Track and field talent is more serviceable than a patent and Jamaica has an overabundance of natural athletic speed the world has ever seen. If Jamaica was to put the same emphasis on what other counties put on patents, then the state of youth athletic speed talent would be a multibillion-dollar industry to their GDP. What Jamaica need to do is see a higher percentage of the country’s financially challenged population as a natural speed resource. It’s the focused effort and the monies invested in patents that we should take away from how Jamaica should approach athletic youth sprint talent… not patenting itself, because natural talent can’t be patented.

 If Jamaica was to see sprint as a beneficial national asset, just as other countries see a patent it would then lift personal incomes, raise positive attitudes of communities as well as decrease criminality across national borders. Its first about mind set and approach on how you see your self and things around you. Others might see your assets and benefits before you your self see it and many times benefit from it before you even realize what is happening. Jamaica is in an ideal position to dominate sprinting on a global basis and create a positive influx of revenue into their economy. If Jamaica starts to understand this fact, with great enthusiasm and looks to invest significant revenue into underdeveloped local communities’ athletic youth (5 – 18yrs) sprinters would start to flow globally prosperity. The visionary thought of former Jamaican PM Michael Manley saw Jamaica’s athletic market as a global asset. Read article here: https://www.firstpost.com/sports/firstpost-explains-how-does-jamaica-consistently-produce-world-class-sprinters-8059061.html


I have many entrepreneurial passions but, Yokefellows Athletics is a calling by God and in honor of the passing of my sister Angela Bailey (July 31, 2021) a former Olympian that was captured by the market limitations of track and field construct. Where performance becomes your whole identity, “like crystal glass”, as it could be marveled at or shattered at an instance by yourself or outsiders. Yokefellows Athletics looks to bring a new prospective and revenue stream to a globally recognized track and field industry. #yokefellowsathletics


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