
Showing posts from February, 2022

Runners, Cleats and Spikes

It is our intention at Yokefellows Athletics to meet the needs of those that come in contact with us, even outside of our main purpose of creating God blessed, positive and lucrative channels in athletics so, youths can become responsible elite athletes.  For years now I've been driven by my "WHY" a statement that goes like this "to be a supportive resource for charities and missions around the world".  During my last trip to Jamaica I had the opportunity to live my "WHY" and it felt awesome!!! I had an idea that came to me the summer of 2021,  as I was doing one of our Yokefellows Athletelics community outreach youth time sessions. I would ask parents to donate usable footwear to give back to those youth in  Jamaica in need. I called the footwear donation "Runners, Cleats and Spikes, charity drive"     It was nice to see how many parents were open to provide me with usable youth footwear but, it was heart breaking to see the amou...

Jamaica, patent your sprint!

    A country can be considered like a team when united; a successful country knows how to rally most of its citizens to pull in the same direction just like a football or basketball team. They foresee things in the presence with an eye for future progress. It is said countries that have the highest number of patients have a good grasp on their future and its citizens wealth. You can click here and look at the countries investing in growth through patents: Patents are also, an ideal indicator on the direction a country is heading in mainly because, it sees itself rising above its current global status. It’s an investment with a yield of 3, 10, 25, 50 or even 100 years with the understanding at the end of the journey of either training, building or research its future will be brighter. These patents would be better off for its people, families, community, and global standing a...

Its Now Yokefellows Athletics

    We changed our company name few years ago to Yokefellows Athletics from Accelerations and Separation. Before the passing of my sister Angela Bailey (July 31, 2021) we came to the conclusion, "if God is not in it, what is the purpose of us doing any business"? The name Yokefellow comes from the bible (Philippians 4:3) concerning St Paul identifying individuals that helped him during the challenging and tenuous times he faced as he journeyed to Rome sharing the good news of Christ.  A Yokefellow helps where ever they can, its a personality of passion, love and care for the less fortunate and the struggling. Those that are in no position to do for them self, Yokefellow  has that Christ like fruits of the spirit within them.  There are 12 fruits of the spirit “ charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity. ”   We decide to demonstrate a Yokefellow kind of character and en...